Spiritual Development, Psychic Development & Coaching

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.  We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift

- Albert Einstein


My Services

Psychic Development & Coaching

Psychic Development is an important part of expanded consciousness and Spiritual growth, from my experience they are inseparable and inherent to one another.  Whether you are already on a steady and obvious Spiritual Awakening path or deeply desire to accelerate the expansion of your consciousness, I can help. 

By coaching you with loving encouragement and inspiration, shared experience and wisdom, tools and techniques, and activations, I am confident you too can achieve higher states of awareness and clear connections to Universal Knowledge, non 3rd dimensional beings, and other realms.  The fact is that yes, we are all different, but we are all also capable of achieving greater access to, and use of our psychic gifts and skills with the right support, information, and practice.  Psychic awareness is not something only a few special people are born with or have access to.  It is a birthright that you can develop and develop sometimes quite quickly with a little practice and assistance.  Your first appointment may run up to 2 hours. The cost is $90.00 for the first hour and I charge on a sliding scale for time over the first hour.  I also offer a 3-Sessions Psychic Development series for $275.00

Spiritual Development & Coaching

Spirituality is not a theology or ideology; it is a way of life that is natural and pure as freely given by our loving Divine Source.  Remember - you are not a human being having a Spiritual experience, you are a Spiritual Being having a human experience.   The spiritual journey is a transformational process that takes us through multiple stages of spiritual development.  The path we take is innate in us in our expanding minds, hearts, and energy bodies.  Spiritual development is an integral aspect of life – to live fully and expand, to grow in fulfilling ways, to make a positive difference in the world and with others, and most of all "To Know Thyself".  The spiritual journey unfolds and marks the fullness of our human potential.   A spiritual journey awakens us from fear, separation, and limitation to love, connectedness, and as consciousness expanding into Forever - All That Is and ever will be. 

In many cases, people function largely on autopilot based on programming in the unconscious and subconscious mind.  This state is characterized by a lack of self-awareness along with a high degree of fear and narrow thinking.  The result is a tendency to follow the crowd and play it safe, never really daring to break from the herds for which it belongs.  As a Spiritual coach, I understand the stages of spiritual development and can help you move through these stages with greater ease and support.  Spiritual awakening is not for whimps, there are stages of the awakening process that can be quite challenging and even dark and depressing.  l can help you understand these highly dramatic and highly transformational stages and support you on your path to greater fulfillment in the process towards Enlightenment.  Your first appointment may run over one hour depending on what is brought through. The cost is $90.00 for the first hour and I charge on a sliding scale for time over the first hour.  I also offer a 3-Sessions Spiritual Development series for $275.00

What are Psychic Senses?

Human Beings have an amazing array of senses that we use to navigate and experience our world, yet most Human Beings rely on very few of their senses.  Much like you have five physical senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling, did you know we each have the ability to experience or develop eight “clair” senses or spiritual/psychic senses we call "gifts".  If you are interested in developing your intuition it may be helpful to know that most people start by having a dominant way of receiving intuitive information, typically visual (clairvoyant), auditory (clairaudient) or they just “know” (claircognizant).  With practice, other intuitive senses may also begin to be perceived and expanded.

8 Psychic "Clair" Senses

Clairvoyance  A clairvoyant is someone with the gift of 'clear seeing'.  Clairvoyants receive extrasensory impressions/perceptions and symbols in the form of mental images through their mind’s eye (3rd Eye).  You may be clairvoyant if you experience vivid dreams, visions, mental images and 'mini-movies' that flash into your inner awareness.  You may be able to see the colors and the energy fields (auras) around people, plants, and animals, or perhaps you are able to see angels, ghosts, or otherworld beings.  You may have a propensity for clairvoyance if you are a “visual” person, can easily visualize solutions to problems, have a great sense of direction, or are very good with visual-spatial problems, like rearranging furniture or decorating.  A clairvoyant may also be known as a Precog and have the ability to see the future (Precognition), to clarify and illuminate the present (most common) and see the past (Postcognition).  If you have the ability to imagine going from your house to the store in your mind, then you have the ability to visualize, you just may not realize that is visualization.

Claircognizance  You experience claircognizance or 'clear knowing' when you just suddenly know something to be true, even though you didn’t see it, hear it or feel it.  You just know it.  It’s a moment of instant insight or a download of information that needs no processing or interpretation by your ego mind - following such a download you already "own the understanding" without any prior cognitive experience with it.  Claircongnizance can sometimes be a massive amount of information 'dropped in' that would fill volumes otherwise and take a lot of time to assimilate and comprehend.  Claircognizance can also be experienced as a niggling idea or unrelenting thought, which can take time to fully penetrate your perception and form.  Claircognizance is a persistent awareness that someone is lying to you when you have no physical evidence of it.  Many individuals confuse claircognizance or clear knowing with Clairempathy or 'clear emotion' or Clairsentience 'clear physical feeling' because their “knowing” is quickly followed by either a personal emotional or physical reaction to the insight. Overtime, paying attention to how the insight comes into your awareness will help you distinguish the difference.

Clairaudience If you are clairaudient or 'clear hearing', you are able to perceive sounds, words or noise from the spiritual or ethereal realms.  Someone is clairaudient if they mainly receive their intuitive information with their inner or outer hearing.  Yes, this is talking about hearing voices (either outside of yourself or in your head)!  An example is that you’re in the grocery store checkout and you hear "Call Shirley"  You are not thinking about Shirley, you haven't spoken in months and you are busy in the checkout. However, the message was clear, and seemed to come from outside of yourself.  You call Shirley after you get through the checkout only to find out Shirley is dealing with something very important and your call and support at that moment put you in just the right place and time to help.  You might lean towards clairaudience if you are naturally attuned to sounds, tones, rhythm and music.  If you sing, play music, have an easy time remembering voices, or can easily hear in someone’s voice when they are lying to you you may have a developed clairaudience skill.

Clairempathy  You have clairempathy or are attuned to 'clear emotion' if you sense other people’s emotions, thoughts and feelings.  It is the awareness or perception of emotional energy.  You don’t necessarily experience the feeling in your body, but you are aware of the feeling; however you may actually experience the feeling in your body and confuse it for your own if you are also clairsentient.  Ever walk into a room after an argument between other people and sense the anger and hurt in the room?  If so, you are clairempathic.  Note:  Empaths need self-care and psychic protection techniques to successfully manage their empathic nature and shield themselves from energetic overload.  A skilled empath knows how to maintain spiritual/biofield boundaries, replenish their energy, and clear unwanted energies from their auric field.  The difference between clairempathy and clairsentience is that empaths sense the emotion whereas sentients feel the emotion. 

Clairsentience  You are clairsentient or experience 'clear physical feeling' if you obtain intuitive insight by way of a physical experience in your body. You have a “gut feeling” or “something doesn’t feel right,” and you experience it viscerally, as a physical sensation, in your body.  Clairsentient’s feel (not just sense) the experience of other people’s emotions, ailments or injuries. They can also feel the physical and emotional pain of the land or a place where tragic events have occurred and have left behind strong emotions of fear, jealousy, insecurity, hatred, and pain.  The difference between clairempathy and clairsentience is that empaths sense the emotion whereas sentients experience the emotion.  Note:  both clairsentients and clairempaths may have trouble tolerating heightened emotional environments such as loud roaring crowds, heavy metal music, drama-filled situations because they are sensing and feeling ALL OF IT in their body and it is simply too much to stand.

Clairtangency  You may have clairtangency or 'clear touching' if you have the ability to perceive facts about an event or person by contact with or proximity to the object or person.  This is also commonly known as psychometry.  You may be clairtangent if you quickly gain formerly unknown insights when you hold someone’s watch, touch their hand, when you pick up an old antique at a flea market, or touch an old building.

Clairsalience  For those with clairsalience or 'clear smelling', insights come through the perception of smell, such as smelling a fragrance or odor of a substance, person, place, or animal that is not in your immediate surroundings.  Other names for this are clairscent and clairscentency. An example of this ability is: you are cleaning the house when all of a sudden you get a strong smell of a cigar from your deceased grandfather who used to smoke cigars.  No one is smoking in your home and your first thought is of your grandfather when you smell the cigar.  Your grandfather is reaching out from the spirit world to communicate with you.  Or, maybe lately everywhere you go, you keep smelling lilacs.  Lilacs are your Mom’s favorite flower. It’s a nudge to call your Mom as she may need your support right now.  Experiencing scents might trigger the other senses to “see,” “hear” or “feel” who and also what a spirit is trying to communicate.

Clairgustance  An individual with Clairgustance or 'clear tasting' receives psychic information through their sense of taste, without having any physical source of that taste in their mouth. People sometimes report tasting a favorite food or drink from a loved one who has passed away.  Others report that when they are problem-solving they receive helpful information through an extrasensory taste in their mouths. For instance, police detectives investigating crimes sometimes get an unexplained taste in their mouths, such as blood or a certain chemical that relates to a specific type of drug, which gives them the guidance they need to find out what really happened.

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